We are gathering for services locally at Blenheim Community Funeral Home in the community room and online via Zoom.


Sunday services begin at 10:30am weekly. Services are recorded and posted live on our website and YouTube channel at 10:15am each Sunday morning.


Notices for live online services will be shared with members by email.

If you wish to receive the live Zoom service invites please contact us via email at blenheimunitedoffice@gmail.com

Want to join us in person, but don't have transportation?

Please email blenheimunitedoffice@gmail.com to coordinate carpooling.

Donate Now Through CanadaHelps.org!
Faites un don maintenant par l'entremise de CanaDon.org!

Upcoming Services and Announcements

  • Sun., Sept. 22 – Rev. Wanda leading worship
  • Sun., Sept. 29 – Rev. Wanda leading worship
  • On Going: Donations to Chatham-Kent Women’s Centre accepted each week.

Volunteer Opportunities

  • Interested in joining council? Consider becoming a Council Member

  • Technology experts for assistance with weekly online and in-person services and maintenance of church website.

For more information contact blenheimunitedoffice@gmail.com

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