

Blenheim United Church
P.O. Box 143
Blenheim, Ontario,
N0P 1A0

Fax: (519) 676-1654
Office Email - [email protected]

Communications Email - [email protected]

Office Hours: Open as necessary or by appointment

If you have compliments, concerns or complaints that need to be addressed or explained, please bring them to the appropriate individual who can effectively address the issues. Communication and the ability to express one's thoughts and feelings will help continue to move the congregation forward.

Minister: Reverend Wanda Burse

Office Administration
Marilyn Dowker


Chair -  Kary Oliver
Past Chair -  Stephanie MacLean
Secretary -  Kelly Wright
Finance - Vacant
Ministry & Personnel - Heather Kelly


Communications - Michael Berry

Region Rep - Michael Berry
Board of Trustees Deputy Chair & Council Rep - Laura Koehler

Baptism and Confirmation Requests
If you know someone or have a family member who is seeking baptism please contact the church office. 519 676-5574 or [email protected]
Reminder for Hospital and Shut-Ins
If you or a loved one is in hospital and would like Rev. Wanda to visit or if you know someone who would benefit from a visit from the minister please contact the church office.

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